Find out if you're at risk for

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

If left untreated, PAD could result in amputation, stroke and even death.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can be treated if diagnosed early and accordingly. There are warning signs and demographic factors that let you know if you may be at risk for PAD. Intermittent leg pain or cramps during routine movements, walking, or climbing up stairs could be common signs or symptoms of peripheral artery disease. Smoking, obesity and diabetes are all demographic factors that put you at greater risk of complications from PAD.

8 – 12 million Americans suffer from peripheral artery disease.
That’s more than all types of cancer combined. However, only around 40% exhibit symptoms and have been formally diagnosed with peripheral artery disease.

Studies show that, when treated early, up to 90% of peripheral artery disease related amputations can be avoided. Currently, as much as 25% of the diabetic population is at risk of losing some part of their leg or foot due to PAD.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can be treated if diagnosed early and accordingly. There are warning signs and demographic factors that let you know if you may be at risk for PAD. Intermittent leg pain or cramps during routine movements, walking, or climbing up stairs could be common signs or symptoms of peripheral artery disease. Smoking, obesity and diabetes are all demographic factors that put you at greater risk of complications from PAD.

8 – 12 million Americans suffer from peripheral artery disease.
That’s more than all types of cancer combined. However, only around 40% exhibit symptoms and have been formally diagnosed with peripheral artery disease.

Studies show that, when treated early, up to 90% of peripheral artery disease related amputations can be avoided. Currently, as much as 25% of the diabetic population is at risk of losing some part of their leg or foot due to PAD.

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What Causes Peripheral Artery Disease?

The most common cause of PAD is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a gradual process in which a fatty material builds up in the arteries limiting blood flow. Out-patient interventional radiology is an effective way of removing this material and restoring blood flow to the lower legs and feet.

PAD Prevention

Regular checkups with your doctor and awareness of the symptoms help spot the dangers of PAD early and prevent symptoms from progressing to the point of amputation.

What Are the Risk Factors of Peripheral Artery Disease?

  • Diabetes
  • Having any wounds or ulcers on the foot or leg
  • Having a history of smoking
  • Having a history of hypertension
  • Feeling resting leg or foot pain
  • One foot feeling colder than the other
  • Neuropathy
  • High cholesterol
  • History of a heart attack or stent
  • Being over the age of 65

What are PAD Symptoms?

These symptoms are most common in those with peripheral artery disease:

  • Leg weakness or numbness
  • Foot sores that won’t heal
  • Claudication (leg pain)
  • Discoloration of the skin in the foot
  • Slower growth of hair or nails on feet and legs
  • Reduced pulse in legs or feet

If you experience any of these symptoms, please call us today to schedule a consultation.