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Breastfeeding and Sclerotherapy: What You Need to Know

Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into diseased spider veins, causing them to collapse and disappear. While generally safe and effective, many breastfeeding women may wonder if it’s safe for their babies. The short answer is that there isn’t enough research on the effects of sclerotherapy on breastfeeding women and their children to provide a definitive answer. However, there are safeguards to make it as safe as possible if you choose to undergo sclerotherapy while breastfeeding.

Concerns About Breastfeeding During Sclerotherapy

The primary concern with sclerotherapy and breastfeeding is the potential for the sclerosing agent (the solution injected into the veins) to pass to the baby through breast milk. Most sclerosing agents haven’t been well-studied for their effects on infants, making it difficult to know for sure if they’re safe. However, some experts believe the risk is low, as the amount of solution used in sclerotherapy is relatively small and is injected directly into the veins rather than into the bloodstream. Despite this concern, many women successfully undergo sclerotherapy while breastfeeding.

Recommendations for Sclerotherapy and Breastfeeding

Our advice is to wait until you are no longer breastfeeding if you want to undergo sclerotherapy. There is no time limit for treating spider veins. However, if you do not want to wait, a simple safeguard can suffice. You can pump and store milk before the procedure. After the sclerotherapy treatment, you can pump and discard milk for the rest of the day. This gives your body time to process and eliminate the solution that might be in your system, minimizing potential risks associated with sclerotherapy and breastfeeding.

While there are no concrete studies proving that sclerotherapy has dangerous effects on breastfeeding women and their babies, it’s better to be safe. Either wait until you’re done breastfeeding to undergo sclerotherapy or simply pump and store milk for the day following the injections. Ultimately, the decision to undergo sclerotherapy is personal and will depend on your individual concerns and circumstances.

Schedule Your Consultation

At Laser Vascular Center, our experienced vein doctors can provide personalized advice and treatment options. For comprehensive care and expert guidance on sclerotherapy and other vein treatments, contact Laser Vascular Center at (480) 788-5621. Our vein specialists will ensure your safety and the best possible results for your vein health.

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